Friday, June 02, 2006

930 Club Outing, Lots to See


That best portion of a good man's life, His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
~William Wordsworth

The summer night is like a perfection of thought.
~Wallace Stevens

The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart. ~Josiah G. Holland


1. Who Cares? ~Gnarls Barkley
2. All Along The Watch Tower ~Jimi Hendrix
3. Charlie ~RHCP
4. The Tracks Of My Tears ~The Miracles
5. Bring The Pain ~Method Man

Went to see Prefuse 73 last night at 930. My bro dragged me out to the show, I'm not really into that kind of music which my bro calls "post hip-hop," but I'm glad he did. The opening act Edan w/Dagha were awesome, really creative and super talented. They were a more a hip-hop I am used to, but also included some acoustic guitar and some kazoo. Apparently Edan is from Bethesda/Rockville originally and since he kept giving props to all the "middle aged jewish women" I can only assume he's a member of the tribe. I think I saw 1 MAJW in the crowd, maybe it was his moms. The boy could do it all though, spit, scratch strum and kazoo.
I'm definitely a people watcher and concerts area some of the best places to engage in this activity. I saw white, black, latina, asian and blasian. Hippies, Preppies, Dreds and Shaved Heads. Young, Old(er), Couples and Singles. Tatooed and Pierced, Smokers and Drinkers. People from Texas and a couple chicks that looked like my EXes. It was definitely a different mix than I've ever seen there before. The show was good my bro explained to me that it seemed experimental. Apparently Prefuse 73 is real big in San Fran and quite the name in the electronic/post hip-hop world. There were no breaks in his set, but also no lyrics either. Also you never know what this guy is gonna do, and rarely does he play stuff form his albums. Not sure I'm gonna get into this genre of music cuz you know us NASCAR lovers, we only like Budweiser, Southern Rock, fast cars and fast women. Yeeeehah.


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