Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Sea Was Angry That Day My Friends


For in the end, we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.
~Baba Dioum

An idea is salvation by imagination.
~Frank Lloyd Wright

Me: 0, Nada, Nil, Nuttin'
JD: 1 Catfish, 1 Croaker

More boat mishaps, well sorta. Just before JD and I were about to cast off, he runs back to the car for his cell. Both of us have fallen in the last couple times effectively dousing our phones. I tell him I have mine, so no worries. But, his is the only one with the tow number (foreshadwoing???) in it just in case, so a quick jaunt down the pier and back and we're ready. The air was cool and breezy, JD wanted to get some work done; cleaning and painting, but I was along for the ride and the fishin' (the F-n-G summer rolls on). We weren't 300 yds from the slip when an unsettling glug glug comes from the engine.
Me: Are you doing that?
(figuring he was just messing around)
JD: Uh, no.
Me: Did we just stall out?
JD: Yeah.

Luckily both of us are some what mechanically inclined and discovered the fuel line was knocked loose. Perhaps when I fell in the other day, but who knows? A quick fix and no tow needed we were off and cruising once again. We didn't go far and JD was the only one who caught any fish, a 5 inch Croaker. I have yet to catch a fish this season, and I'm starting to get a little upset by it. Thankfully the sunset on the water, and the beautiful surroundings remind me that it's not always about catching the fish.
When I'm fishing, a zen like calm washes over me. All my worries and every day mundane annoyances don't matter. I'm in the moment with my surroundings, good tunes, beautiful weather, and my thoughts. This is my biggest motivation for fishing, the therapy, camaraderie, and a connection to my roots. My grandfather used to love to go fishing and some of my fondest memories of him involve him baiting a hook with salami (that's how us Jews fish) and sharing stories. And although my fishing activities can be misconstrued as "Red-Neck," I prefer to look at them as Old School, and just part the Man's Man side of me.


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