Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sir Grot A Lot Pt.3 A Backdoor Man


The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
~Chinese Proverb

The Eskimo has fifty-two names for snow because it is important to them; there ought to be as many for love.
~Margaret Atwood


Ooooo that's pretty.
Notice the 5 Lombardi Trophies.

Nano Nano
1. My Doorbell ~The White Stripes
2. Your Body ~Pretty Ricky
3. Good To You ~Talib Kweli
4. Born To Run ~The Boss
5. Guns Are Drawn ~The Roots

Went to Ella's w/ CNG and JD for some good food, sangria, and beer. On the way home I got acquainted with some Citizen Cope which I defiently dug/dig. CNG tries to get me to listen to some new music all the time like: THE STREETS. I won't lie but I'm somewhat of a hater when it comes to him, his flow is doo-doo and his beats are a little elementary. So naturally I was skeptical of the Citizen. But me likey. On the way home exhaustion wiped over my body, but I had enough energy to look over the FREE BOOKS that were on the side walk around the corner from my house. JD walked away with a new (to him) collection of travel books.

Here is possibly one of my favorite Sir Grot-a-lot stories:

NBA Playoffs, Wizards vs Bulls 2004 Game 3. The Baby Bulls were up 2-0. I picked up the tickets to his company's private suite a few days earlier. He was coming in form NYC so I met him at Union Station and we proceeded to MCI Center an hour early. The food and beverages were already set up so we chowed down before anyone else got there and shot the shit. It was a great game! The Wiz won and my boy Juan Dixon (your mouth) dropped something like 34 points! At this point he was dating his now fiancee for a little while and things were going pretty well except one thing. Let's just say SG has an affinity for a certain thing in the sack. He doesn't need it he just likes it. He's what you would call a backdoor man. He likes to enter through the exit. Ok fine. Not my cup o' tea but whatever floats your boat right? So...as the pumped up elated masses were getting on the metro, I asked him if he had gotten to do said act w/ new girlfriend yet. (She had been resisting, and I say good for her). The metro sation was wall to wall people and as loud as the arena was, but...above all the chatter in the middle of all those people SG yells, "NO!!!! SHE STILL WON'T LET ME STICK IT IN HER BUTT!!!!"

Gotta love Sir Grot!!!!


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