Impending Kismet of a 33rd Birthday
One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things.
-Henry Miller
One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds.
-Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
The gem cannot be polished without friction, not a man perfected without trials.
-Chinese Proverb

1. Lake Michigan – Rogue Wave
2. Tyrant – The Bravery
3. Many Rivers to Cross – Jimmy Cliff
4. Carmencita – Devendra Banhart
5. Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) – Arcade Fire
6. Iron Lion Zion – Bob Marley
7. Juicy – The Notorious B.I.G.
8. Caution – Bob Marley
9. What You Want – The Roots
10. Rebirth of Slick – Digable Planets
In a couple days I will turn 33. Am I filled with anxiety, dread, or the creaks, aches, and stiffness of an old man? Certainly I am not filled with dread or anxiety...creaks, aches, and stiffness...sometimes. I am approaching this birthday with an open mind. 3 is one of my lucky this year should be double-lucky for me. So I look ahead with an open, hopeful mind, like a savvy veteran gambler plunking down $100 on #3 at the roulette table (although in reality #5 has hit big for me). Some that know me would say I am wide-eyed optimist, and it may be true those wide-eyes are covered by rose-colored glasses. Those that really know me may understand why. I've never faced insurmountable tragic circumstances, been destituted (thank you Mike Tyson), or completely bust. I have hit a bottom before though, and with the help of friends and family pulled myself up by the boot straps. I proved to myself that I have can master all those things that I have control over in my life. Hitting that bottom has made me appreciate what I have, humbled me, and also taught me life doesn't always turn out like you expect. If you ask me "Was this the life you saw for yourself?" I would say no, but the young man who had a plan is a damn fool for trying to plan in the first place. I am happy in my life, maybe happier because things didn't go with the "plan." I do know that when my birthday comes around this year I will be surrounded by people I love, and people that love me...and that's the best present of all.
After that semi-heavy harangue here are some baby pictures to laugh at. I used to be cute...not sure what happened!?!