DAILY QUOTESThere is no looking at a building here after seeing Italy.
~Fanny Burney
Real love stories never have endings.
~Richard Bach
I know, I know...I'm putting off the Cyprus trip highlights again. But it was a pretty eventful weekend, and I don't have enough time at work to fully do the trip any justice.
Trudged thru work, really not smart to come back form vacay on friday, but if there is a day u have too, friday might be the best option. Made a lunchtime call to 1/5, and set up a nice li' picnic for us. We went to whole foods bought too much food, and then dined once at the FDR Menorial/ Tidal basin and then once again at her place (thats not a euphemism or innuendo, take it literally). I had a great time sipping on Cypriot wine and taking the sunset in.
Was jam packed with 9 holes of golf, in which I hit the ball better and better, followed by a fishing trip, and the inevitable stop at Gilligan's Pier. Was a somewhat trecherous journey, as the water was rough, and the currents strong. Docking and disembarking form Gilligan's bordered on debacle and may just have crossed that line, as now I have bruises all over my arm, and JD has a broken shelf on the boat.
NASCAR timeof course, and quiet evening in w/ Ray watching Entourage.
Here's an analogy for dtaing and me. Let's say I'm a wide reciever. I study the playbook, I know all my routes. On the field I cut and turn on a dime and run my routes with the percision of Jerry Rice. But when the ball is thrown it's like someone replaced my can of stickem' spray with PAM. I drop the ball. But hopefully I'll be in thenext play and make the catch. I'm probably just overeacting though.